My Little Universe 2.6.3 - Mod Menu
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Download FAQs
XAPK is similar to APK INSTALLER, it includes apk and obb inside. To install the .xapk file, you need to use a third-party installer, for example, XAPKS Installer (a friendly tool of a friend of mine)
Sometimes you may face a broken Download link in some new updated post because we use caching. You can try again in about 5-10 minutes or report to us by commenting below this post so that we can fix it as soon as possible.
It’s very simple, overwrite the new version without deleting the old version. However, this is only possible when you use the same mod version from
Just wait a few seconds and the download button will appear.
Yes, of course, its completely safe and virus free, every file is check and scanned by the antivirus program before uploading to the serever.